[nagare-users:635] widget library
En Ware
2017-01-13 18:42:33 UTC
I have looked through the repositories have only
found http://www.nagare.org/trac/browser/examples/nagare/examples/widgets.py.

Is there a tutorial or something else I could go by to create my own
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2017-01-16 15:37:13 UTC
I have looked through the repositories have only found
Is there a tutorial or something else I could go by to create my own
With Nagare, every element of an application is a component which can embed
own view, logic and data. Also components can communicate each other with
'answer' / 'on_answer' mechanism.

So what is called "widgets" in other frameworks are only normal components
in Nagare,
just with, in general, a predominant view part and a thin data part.

For example, here is a little Bootstrap widget (from
http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#dropdowns) :

class DropdownButton(object):
def __init__(self, labels):
self.labels = labels

def render(self, h, comp, model):
# All the Bootstrap widgets can include these CSS and JS.
# They will be included only once in the final header of the page.

with h.div(class_='dropdown'):
with h.button(class_='btn btn-primary dropdown-toggle', type='button', data_toggle='dropdown'):
h << 'Dropdown trigger' << ' ' << h.span(class_='caret')

with h.ul(class_='dropdown-menu'):
for i, label in enumerate(self.labels):
with h.li:
h << h.a(label).action(comp.answer, i) # Return the selected entry indice

return h.root

Then this widget can be embedded in any view of an other component:

class App(object):
def __init__(self):
self.dropdown = component.Component(DropdownButton(('Action', 'Another Action', 'Something else here')))

def print_selection(self, i):
print 'Entry #%d selected' % (i + 1)

def render(self, h, *args):
h.head << h.head.meta(name='viewport', content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1')

with h.div(class_='container'):
h << h.h1('Bootstrap widget example')

with h.div(class_='container'):
h << self.dropdown

return h.root

Note how the 'DropdownButton' and the 'App' components are exactly defined
in the same way.

Hope this help.

Best regards,
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