To use a database with Nagare you need to activate the database in the
configuration file and define some SQLAlchemy entities in your code.
Here is an example of a persistent 'Counter'.
1. Install the database extension of Nagare
easy_install "nagare[database]"
2. Create the application structure
nagare-admin create-app counter
cd counter
python setup.py counter
3. Configure the database
In the 'conf/counter.cfg' file, set the 'activated' parameter of the
'[database]' section to 'on'.
You can see by default the database is a SQLLite one:
path = app counter
name = counter
debug = off
activated = on
uri = sqlite:///$here/../data/counter.db
metadata = counter.models:__metadata__
debug = off
4. Defined your SQLAlchemy entities in the 'counter/models.py' file. Here a
from elixir import *
from sqlalchemy import MetaData
from nagare import presentation
__metadata__ = MetaData()
class Counter(Entity):
name = Field(String)
value = Field(Integer)
def decrease(self):
self.value -= 1
def increase(self):
self.value += 1
def render_counter(self, h, *args):
h << h.div(self.value)
with h.div:
h << h.a('--').action(self.decrease)
h << ' | '
h << h.a('++').action(self.increase)
return h.root
5. In the 'counter/app.py' file, code the application to create the counter
with its initial value and to display it:
from nagare import presentation, component
from .models import Counter
class App(object):
def __init__(self):
counter = Counter.get_by(name='MyCounter') # Fetch the counter
if counter is None:
# Create the counter in database
counter = Counter(name='MyCounter', value=0)
self.counter = component.Component(counter)
def render_app(self, h, *args):
h << h.h1('Counter in database')
h << self.counter
return h.root
app = App
6. Create the database structure. Nagare will discover your SQLAlchemy
entities and create the database tables:
nagare-admin create-db --drop --debug counter
7. Launch the application
nagare-admin serve --reload counter
8. Enjoy!
Post by En WareDoes anyone have any examples how to print out records from a sqlite3
database to the nagare app?
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